When I was younger the idea of treating myself usually meant me raiding my piggy bank and heading across the road from my house to buy a large bag of Black Jacks and Fruit Salads. Getting older, this changed to eating an entire large bar of Cadbury’s Wholenut chocolate in one sitting; which made my binge eating of black jacks look quite healthy! At vet school, well, let’s say I’m surprised my liver survived my six year degree.
I am very pleased to now report that thanks largely to getting older, a tendency towards middle-aged spread and heartburn, the notion of treating myself means booking in for various holistic therapy sessions, self-acupuncture, meditating, doing quarter of an hour of high-intensity interval training in the mornings and either taking the time to play the piano, or listening to music at full volume! Very different to mindlessly stuffing my face.
So, what changed? Aside from the increasing side effects of not looking after myself, I realised that I do actually love myself. If I love myself, why would I want to inflict increased pain and illness on me, for just a few minutes of a dopamine high? So that helped change my perception of truly “treating myself”. Of course, I still have moments of mindless eating of things I shouldn’t. I am human. I do however, now recognise the triggers as to why I’m doing this. Both hypnotherapy and acupuncture have helped me deal with difficult stuff in my life, and release stuck emotions. In the acupuncture world we talk about stuck Liver Qi (energy). In the case of hypnotherapy, it helped create such a strong aversion to certain binge foods that the mere thought of them now makes me want to vomit!
Yet, I still frequently encounter the idea that to treat yourself involves eating or drinking something that causes illness. I know, because of the acupuncture clients I treat. Most pain, lethargy and general poor health is caused or certainly increased due to sugar in the diet. Several weeks of eating a lot of daily chocolate will cause me to have knee pain! When I tell clients that I’ve cut all sugar and sweetener from my diet, I’m often met with surprise as to why I would want to deprive myself? I agree, the brain chemistry that goes off in my head as soon as I put that chocolate cake, biscuit or sweet in my mouth is really, quite an amazing aspect of being alive! What stops me from doing it regularly though is the fact that I get a headache within minutes, get fatter, and lose the ability to refuse more sweet things. I also feel bad suggesting to clients that their lives would be greatly enhanced if they cut the sugar and sweetener out, if I’m busily stuffing my face between appointments! Oh, and I love the fact that as soon as the sugar and sweetener goes from your life the fat on your belly and sides disappears and all without exercising!
So, if you’re wanting to cut the sugar, or the sweetener-loaded fizzy drinks from your life (yes they really are bad especially if you have hormonal issues and are trying to fall pregnant), and are struggling to do so, please talk to me. I’ll only be too happy to book you in for a couple of hypnotherapy sessions to see if we can finally, once and for all change your subconscious thinking patterns that cause you to reach for the naughty cupboard whenever you’re distracted by tiredness, boredom or emotional issues.
Happy treating yourselves!
Love and light,